Netsu Sokutei, 30 (3), p. 98, (2003)



Phase Transition of Organic Molecular Crystal Observed by Thermal Diffusivity

Fourier transform temperature wave analysis (FT-TWA) is proposed as a method to observe the phase transition of organic molecular crystals. By analyzing the harmonics of temperature wave, it enables a simultaneous measurement of thermal diffusivity as a function of frequency and temperature. This technique was applied to a temperature range including the solid-solid or the solid-liquid phase transition of n-alkane, 1-alkanol, 1-alkanoic acid and its esters. Thermal diffusivity of n-alkanes showed a rapid fall-off on each phase transition and the odd-even effect of carbon number was observed. The frequency dependence of thermal diffusivity just below the melting temperature was observed only for n-alkanes and 1-alkanol, which showed a clear solid-solid phase transition with a conventional method. The effect of terminal group on thermal diffusivity was also examined.