サブミクロンスケールの空間分解能を持ち,かつ15 mmに渡る広範囲の走査が可能な温度可変SPM装置も同時に開発した。プローブとして,微小SQUIDおよび小型空洞共振器を装着することにより,それぞれ局所的な磁性,電気特性を評価できる。前者を用いてLa1-xSrxCuO4系超伝導体の観察を行ったところ,組成揺らぎに起因する磁束量子の1次元配列を観測した。また後者により,マンガン酸化物の組成と電導性との関係を詳細に調べた。本装置は,材料探索のためのツールとしても非常に有効であることが示された。
Scanning tunneling microscopes (STM) that can operate under UHV at low temperatures have been developed. STM observations of Bi-based oxide superconductors have shown that Pb atoms occupying Bi sites and Sr-site defects could be imaged selectively by appropriately setting bias voltage. Furthermore, scanning tunneling spectroscopic measurements have successfully visualized electronic phase separation into superconducting and non-superconducting domains. A variable temperature SPM instrument with sub-micron scale resolution and wide scanning range up to 15 mm has also been constructed. The instrument enables us to measure local magnetic and electric properties by using a miniature SQUID sensor and cylindrical resonator tube, respectively, as scanning probes. The former was applied to direct observation of vortices trapped in La1-xSrxCuO4. The latter was utilized to investigate conductivity of a Mn-based oxide, Nd1-xSrxMnO3, as functions of chemical composition x and temperature, in a systematic manner.