(1) 温度がガラス転移点以下に低下するにつれて,1次複素比熱の虚部のピークは広がり,ピークを示す振動数は低振動数側にシフトする。
(2) 2次の振動項で定義された2次複素比熱は,ガラス転移点で温度依存性が変化し,Vogel-Fulcher温度で発散する項をもつ。この発散の振る舞いは,スピングラス系での非線形磁化率の発散と類似したものである。
A theory for the nonlinear energy response to the oscillating tempearature is developed and the nonlinear ac specific heat is defined. The theory is applied to the glass forming model with the free energy landscape picture and the characteristics of the linear and nonlinear ac specific heats in the glass forming materials are shown: (1) The width of the imaginary part of the 1st order ac specific heat broaden and the frequency at the peak of the imaginary part shifts to the low frequency region as the temperature decreases below the glass transition point. (2) The nonlinear ac specific heat, which is defined from the nonlinear energy response to the oscillating temperature, shows the anomally at the glass transition point and diverges at the Vogel-Fulcher temperature in the glass forming model. This divergence behavior is similar to that of the nonlinear magnetic susceptibility of the spin glasses. In this paper, the free energy landscape picture is briefly introduced and the characteristics of the linear and nonlinear ac specific heats are explained.
Keywords:glass transition; free energy landscape picture; nonlinear ac specific heat